Search California County Jails & Detention Centers

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Using this page you can search for inmates located in the California jail facilities and dentention centers. Various California counties use vastly different inmate on-line search systems and some of them use none at all. Select a jail below to begin your inmate search!

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If you are looking for the address and contact information of any California Department of Correction Facilities then you can please click here to access this directory online. Our Department of Correction and Rehabilitation listings consists of state prisions and county jails.

County Jails in California: What You Need To Know

When most people think of jails, they think of high-security institutions that hold offenders waiting to go to trial or be sentenced. But in California, there are also several county jails – often located in the same building as the courthouse – which detains inmates who have been convicted and are serving their sentence.

California's county jails are the first line of defense against crime in the state, and they're also some of the most overcrowded and dangerous correctional facilities in America. With nearly 386,000 people incarcerated in California's county jails each year, it can be hard to know your rights or what to do if you find yourself behind bars.

You've come to the right place if you're looking for information on County Jails California. On this page, we'll discuss everything from the basics of what a county jail is to specific information about some of the detention centers in California.

So let's get started!

About County Jails In California: Detention Centers

There are many county jails in California- each with its amenities, visiting hours, and rules. But what do they all have in common? They're all detention centers for people who have been arrested and are awaiting trial or sentencing.

If you've never had the unfortunate experience of spending time in one of these facilities, you may not know what to expect. Here's a quick guide to county jails in California, so you can be prepared if you or a loved one ever find yourself behind bars.

  • The sheriff's department runs most county jails in California. They are usually located near the courthouses so that inmates can be easily transported to and from court appearances.

  • These jails are typically much smaller than state prisons, with fewer inmates. It means that the conditions in county jails can vary widely.

  • Men comprise 90% of the jail population as of September 2020. 90%of jail inmates are incarcerated on felony charges.

How Do They Differ From Other Correctional Facilities?

County jails and detention centers in California differ from other correctional facilities in a few key ways.

California's 115 long-term county facilities increased from the 76,000 beds available in 2011. Nearly all counties operate at least one long-term facility, totaling over 79,000 beds. New facilities have been built in recent years, but they built over half of the county facilities before 1990.

Court holding facilities, temporary holding facilities, and long-term facilities provide different levels and types of care. Long-term facilities are used for inmates sentenced to more than a year in jail or prison or inmates awaiting trial and not eligible for release on bail.

Inmates in long-term custody typically have more serious offenses and are more likely to be involved in gangs. These inmates require higher security classification and supervision than those in temporary holding or court holding.

Although some inmates in long-term custody may eventually be transferred to state prison, most will serve their sentence in county jail. In conclusion, county jails in California are an essential part of the state's criminal justice system. They play a vital role in keeping communities safe and ensuring that offenders are held accountable for their actions.